Infants-2 Year Olds: 9AM-12PM

Sunday School (PreK-5th grade): 9AM-10AM 

Preschool Program: 10:30AM-12PM 

Worship KidStyle (6-9 year olds): 10:30AM-12PM

Sunday Mornings:

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the  kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that every child learns that church is a fun and safe place  where they are taught about God’s love for them. Every child is a unique creation with a  special purpose in God’s Kingdom. Our ministry is a partnership with parents for the  spiritual growth and discipleship of their child.

Preschoolers are continually growing, exploring, and learning. Through age appropriate  Bible lessons, games, and activities, we are dedicated to help your child learn that the  Bible is a special true book that tells about God, His son Jesus, and His love for the  world. Our goal is to partner with parents as they train up their preschoolers socially,  physically, and spiritually. 

Preschoolers have a fun interactive space where they begin Sunday mornings at 9am  and transition to worship at 10:30am.



We are committed to providing a loving and safe learning environment for your child to  learn from God’s Word how to worship God, love others, share Jesus, and make  disciples.  

Elementary Sunday school classes begin at 9am. Our 6 to 9 year olds transition to Worship KidStyle at 10:30am. In Worship KidStyle, children are engaged with fun music, crafts, and Bible lessons.

Safety & Security

We take your child’s safety and security very seriously. Our check in system provides  you with a security code/tag for each child.

All adult volunteers have passed a background check and adhere to church policies.